Spring Skills League

by La Morenita

Registration for Spring Rec 2025 is closed as of February 17, 2025

For a general understanding of our program, see the OVERVIEW below:


The spring program will be similar to our Fall Rec program. We will form U6, U8, U10, and a combined U12 and U14 age group (based off the 2024 calendar year). These teams will be co-ed and led by a parent-volunteer head coach. Training sessions will be determined by your coach and held on NVUSD fields.

Your player will receive age-appropriate practice sessions designed by our Grassroots Soccer Director.

Our program is designed for players to learn the game of soccer and have fun. By the end of the 8-week program your player will learn new soccer skills, develop a better understanding of the game, and make new friends.

For some of our advanced players, the program will better prepare them for our club/academy tryouts which will take place in May.

Our program will only be successful if we have parent-volunteer coaches who to lead their team in trainings and games. Parents will have the opportunity to sign up to volunteer on the registration page or by clicking here.

There is limited space in our Spring Rec program so don’t hesitate to register.

Full Details

Beginning March 3rd (first week of training sessions) and ending May 4th (final game.) an 8-week program consisting of 8 weeks of practices and 6 total games. There will be no games on April 20th (Easter & NVUSD Spring Break.) May 12th-18th will serve as a make-up week for any games that get rained out.

Practices held with a head coach for each team. Teams are formed in the same manner as we do Fall Rec teams.

·        Registration by balancing rosters by school, gender, age, and will consider player requests

·        Coaches must complete Cal North’s Risk Management Requirements (returning coaches from Fall will not need to re-do requirements)

Games held on Sundays at locations TBD

·        We will provide bibs for teams

·        Players who participate in Spring will should use their uniforms from Fall

·        If you are new to the program, please contact our Grassroots Soccer Director, Dane Denkers at dane@napaunited.org, to purchase a uniform.

·        We will provide pop-up goals for U6 and U8 age groups

Critical Dates

·        January 22nd, registration goes live

·        February 17th registration deadline (waitlist after this date unless age groups need filling)

·        Week of February 24th teams are formed, rosters distributed

·        February 25th coaches meeting to distribute gear + cover best practices (time and location TBD)

·        Week of April 14th-20th no practices/games (NVUSD Spring Break & Easter)

·        Week of May 12th-18th reserved for rain out make-ups

·        Midweek games may be possible if weekends are rain-outs

Cost of Program $165

Field closures are possible with extended rain events.

What to Bring

  • Uniform: Previous Fall Rec uniforms should be utilized for game days. If you are new to the program, please contact our Grassroots Soccer Director, Dane Denkers at dane@napaunited.org, to purchase a uniform.

  • Soccer cleats are recommended along with shin guards (shin guards are best worn underneath players’ socks).

  • Water & sunscreen

  • Do not bring your dog (dogs are not allowed on school grounds)

  • A folding chair is always suggested to be able to relax and watch your player have fun!

No Parking on Sunday at the Church Lot at Pueblo Vista.